Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Im Westen nichts Neues

Our first film, All Quiet on the Western Front, by Lewis Milestone, has been my perennial entree into the class. Though it has some definite negatives, namely it is rather primitive, B&W, dated acting (I won't say bad acting) slow pacing, pacifist left-wing message, it suits my purpose to a tee. And the purpose is to introduce the class to the elements of film. It's all there, and in a simple and direct style that is easy to identify and understand. The fact that the film is unquestionably an existential work just adds to the fun. (Did you notice that Paul prayed fervently to God that he not let Hans Kemmerich die? And Hans promptly dies. Oh dear. It may be a sobering semester)  Oops.  Did I give something away??  Sorry about that.


  1. Hello there :) It's me, Diana.
    It entirely depends on whether or not acting's dated; Charlie Chaplin's a silent actor, yet he still influences today's performers to this very day, most famously Edward Scissorhands.
    You can find me here at this site: http://dianakosianka310a.blogspot.com/
    This is my blogspot.

  2. I find the elelments of film all very interesting, and now that you've introduced this movie to the class, i am beginning to view movies in a different way, so i'm excited :]
    I'm melody by the way. My url is: melodyuan310.blogspot.com (i combined the Y's in my name)

  3. Mr. Bennett! You're supposed to give a warning before dropping spoilers! :(

    I do find the film fascinating. I also like the class in general, and the way we analyze the movie. It reminds me of how, in English class, we analyze the books we read. I'm enjoying this more because I want to just read and enjoy books; movies are actually quite fascinating to analyze.

  4. I know that I should not be allowed to comment on this post/blog seeing as I am I'm not in this class currently, but nonetheless, as a PROUD alumnus of Mr. Bennett's film class, I must let you all know how glad I am that all of you are able to take this class and be immersed in extraordinary films, surpassed only by the brilliance of your teacher. Please listen to and read Mr. Bennett's blog carefully because you will learn a great deal. Also, become strong bloggers yourself. Don't waste this opportunity! This was the best class I've taken in my life - high school or college - bar none, to borrow an expression from Mr. Bennett.

    I look forward to reading some of your blog entries and seeing what people think of the films. Enjoy it!

    James Cassidy (The Professor)
    Class of '09

    P.S. The Professor was my film class name, Mr. Bennett had several different names for our students, I wonder who will take my spot.

  5. The film was awesome! I enjoy this different type of film which is truly quite different than movies I usually watch. The analysis we perform in class is extraordinarily and it gives me a totally new perspective while watching war movies!

    Kenny Chang kennychang1.blogspot.com

  6. James, my pleasure at seeing your words on my blog again are tempered only by my annoyance at your hagiographic encomium. Now I have to live up that all that hype. Listen, current students, I paid James to say those nice things about me, but after I gave him the money, I changed my mind, and asked him not to post it. He demanded twice as much money to NOT post it as I had paid him to post it originally. So, don't listen to a word he says. He's a shill.

  7. I am enjoying this film because i haven't truly had the chance to actually sit down and watch another film like it. The scenes where the film turns silent turn out to be comical. I especially enjoy the class itself because i have an analytical mind so analysis is generally my thing. I cant wait to finish the movie and get deeper into the directors meaning.

    Url: alexaugustine310.blogspot.com

  8. My apologies, Mr. Bennett. To all who have read my comments, none of them are true (however, I am $1500 richer, which is awesome!) Please disregard my above comments, as they are the words of a corrupted soul who earned money for them.

    In fact, I only made them because the tuition of Villanova University is exorbitant and as a poor, college kid, I needed some money. So, please make your own conclusions about the class, depending on your own experience, not what I have said.

    I'm very sorry for any confusion I may have caused. Also, good luck looking up several words from Mr. Bennett's comments to me, because you have probably never heard them before.

  9. Although this film definitely starts off slow, I think the director does a pretty good job at showing the dynamics of being in combat which keeps you interested in it.
    Especially since at the time of the film this kind of harsh battle was new, people would have been more captivated by the story.
    Nevertheless, Milestone shoots in a very direct manor, and uses clear scenes so that you don't miss a thing.

    * There's a post on my page also.
